Saturday, March 17, 2018

Saint Patrick's Day/600 Buttons!

Celebrating two special occasions in one, today I present my 600th blog post...on Saint Patrick's Day! The button featured here comes from an antique shop in New York City, home to more than one or two Irishmen. With its bright green design of etched Bakelite forming a lucky emblem of sorts, I do believe I see a six-leafed clover in this dreamy keeper. Anyway, it's a windy day today and here's a flatulent limerickpenned by yours truly.

There once was a preacher named Herman
Who farted throughout every sermon.
The mice were aghast at the gas that he passed,
But that's how he got rid of the vermin. 

Happy Saint Patrick's Day,
-Sherbert McGee 


  1. Love the limerick! Had no idea this blog was here, and happy to find yet another artistic endeavor by the great Sherbert McGee!

  2. Hey! Thanks for checking out my blog. I'm flattered that you enjoyed my limerick. Come again!
